Helpful Tips to Chalk Out Your Content Marketing Goals

After every shaking and trembling from Google, time has finally come for the content writers to fasten up their seat belts for a power packed strategy in the wide arena of content marketing and to boost up their much affected site. The first and foremost mantra should ‘never neglect the past’. You should be well aware of how your content has performed in the previous year. You can use Google Analytic tools to measure your past results before beginning a new content marketing strategy.

Now take some preliminary actions before you initiate for a campaign:

Check out the data for your on site content : To perform this function you will have to take the help of Google Analytics. There you will find an option of ‘content’ from there you can select ‘Site content’ and then ‘All pages’. This will give you a result of the most viewed content pages of your site. The pages with the lowest bounce rate and exit rate can be considered to be the successful ones to attract more and more visitors.

Look at the Social Factors : The social factors should not be avoided. You should always keep a track at the social involvement of your site. The social measures (likes, +1s and the shares etc) of the networking site can definitely boost up your content promotion.

For the off site content you will have to be aware of the following factors:

Check out the sources of your traffic : For checking out the off site content performance you will have to keep a track of your traffic as well. The Google Analytics will show the results of the mostly viewed visitors. While setting up your action plan you must be aware of the source of your traffic generation. The activities that have bought more visitors must be continued and vice versa.

Advanced Segmentation is required : The ‘Advanced Segment’ option of the Google Analytics can be used for the segmentation purpose. You can use the video marketing strategy for promoting the content through different video networks. Then measure the results of your visitors from the video marketing through the Google Analytics.

Do not confine yourself to Google Analytics : Use different analytics to measure your content marketing results. YouTube Analytics can be helpful in this case. Check the in a new site.

Appoint right people for developing your content : Build a proper plan and appoint time of the attention span of your visitors. Also keep a track of the target area of your videos i.e the geographical area from where your videos are mostly watched.

Always preserve a back up file of your content : Keeping a back up is really important because submitting your content in different websites may not be permanent. They can be deleted after a period or the site may have various errors or they may be temporarily closed. These pitfalls may waste your content. So the backup file will give you assurance, so that you can post your content right people for content writing. Place your employees at the right place. Decide who will create the content and who will be the editors or modifiers of that content.

Hence, after going through these essential guidelines, it would surely help to chalk out and plan for the content marketing goals that you need to implement on your content.

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This Guest Post is written by Aditi Datta. She is proficient in blogging and also maintains a good blog. She loves to provide essential content writing tips and techniques through her writing.

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