Why Should I Choose Xamarin for Mobile App Development

The world is changing day-by-day with technological improvements. It is moving towards mobility in every field. People have easy access to smart phones and mobile phones. This has opened a great scope for mobile app developers.

According to a report, total 65 million of mobile app download data was recorded in the year 2012 while it has crossed 200 million in current year. This shows how the demands of good mobile app development are increasing every day. People want smart developers who can deliver excellent mobile applications without compromising the quality.

This revolution has given birth to the cross-platform app development frameworks like Titanium and then PhoneGap and many more. These are the web technology based frameworks are has several limitations against object-oriented programming languages.

To overcome this limitation, Xamarin framework came into existence with cross-platform capabilities. It seems very clear winner among all other frameworks from app developer’s perspective. Following are the reasons why you should choose Xamarin for mobile app development:

Best Native Experiences

Access to native device OS and hardware features is a very common feature in browser-based pure web apps. Thirst for native-like user performance and experience is a must for any app now a days. Xamarin can provide native UI to access hardware and software features.

Best Cross-Platform Characteristics

Xamarin also offers to share application logic sharing across different platforms. Application logic which is underlying UI layer like backend integration, interactions with databases, calls for web services and input validations is easily shared.

Seamless API Integration

Now a day’s native mobile platforms are evolving constantly with every upgrade. For example Android and iOS has changed a lot with its OS updates. This is why it has become crucial to gaining support for new releases in the cross-platform framework.

Luckily, Xamarin can provide the support very well. It is capable of binding UI and APIs controls and share code across all mobile platforms.

Easy Collaboration and Sharing

Xamarin has many paid and free components which includes

UI Controls

Cross-platform libraries

Third party web services

With the help of few lines of code, developers can share such components easily across platforms.

Apart from these reasons there are many other benefits of using Xamarin, which are:

Easy availability of developers

Supports platform uniqueness

Rapid development


And many more


You have definitely started considering Xamaring as your development framework after reading this article. If you have any queries or need help to develop a mobile app for your business, you can contact OptiMatrix at www.optiinfo.com

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