Make Your Business Information Go Viral On The Web

Wish to generate a significant buzz about your business in the online space? Just like in offline promotional tactics, positive word-of-mouth publicity plays a key role in the overall success of web-based marketing campaigns for your business too. Wondering how you can make your business go viral in the virtual world? Get a proper idea, by reading through this article:

    – Be present on Facebook – After ensuring that your website designs are user-friendly and visually appealing, create a profile for your business on Facebook. Publish engaging posts about all the latest information related to your business (right from a recent change in corporate policies, to an upcoming seasonal discount offer). Frame the posts in a way that readers would indeed be interested to ’like’, ’share’ and link to them.

      – Tweet about your business – Twitter is yet another social networking platform, which can help your business updates go viral. Frame interesting tweets (within the 140-character limit) that would be likely to be re-tweeted by your ’followers’. Remember that, all tweets should be in the form of real-time updates, so that viewers feel that they are getting live information about your business.

        – Get into guest blog posting – Make a list of the professional bloggers, whose blogs are related to your business operations. Get in touch with them and suggest topics, on which you can contribute informative and unique posts. After the post(s) have been published, request for an authentic backlink to your website. The more the number of such authentic backlinks, the higher will be the popularity of your business website.

          – Keep social media widgets in the blog section of your website – Having a dedicated blog section should definitely be a part of your overall custom website design scheme. Place social media widgets after each of the posts, and keep corresponding ’call-to-action’ links (e.g., ’Share this on Facebook’, ’Tweet this’, etc.). When your website content starts to get shared on social media channels, chances of virality increase manifold.

            – Are you on Google Plus? – Unlike most other social media websites, Google Plus does not allow the creation of organizational pages. Make this work to your advantage, by launching a personal page, and interact with your targeted customers (segmented into ’circles’) in an informal manner. Share the best of your website posts, articles and other content on Google Plus too. If they manage to generate enough ’+1s’, your business will get better online recognition.

              – Go for social bookmarking – Submit informative articles related to your business on the popular social bookmarking sites (like, and Digg). Make sure that your website URL is also being shared. If the articles manage to generate a large number of natural shares, the rankings of your website will improve.

                – Share pictures and infographics – Social media marketing campaigns should not be confined to promoting your website via Facebook, Twitter and G-Plus only. You should have accounts on sites like Pinterest and Tumblr as well, to share bright and relevant business-related images, and engaging infographics. Click here to learn more about all the social networking websites that your business should be represented on.

                  – Request customers to provide testimonials – Once someone buys and uses the product/service you have to offer, request him/her to provide a detailed testimonial/review. Place the same in a dedicated section on your website, so that they can serve as references for other customers. Favorable, genuine testimonials boost up the chances of higher sales leads manifold.

                    – Join forums and discussion panels – You can also promote your website, as well as get feedback on your products/services – by opening an account in the leading online discussion panels and industry forums, related to your line of business. Have a user-discussion section on your website too, and find out how your offerings are being viewed.

                      Do not ever adopt a hardcore promotional tone during your viral marketing campaigns, irrespective of the channel you might be working on. Make sure that there are no problems in the website designs either. People are increasingly looking for information and/or products/services online, and you need to rank ahead of your competitors!

                      Post By
                      Kenneth Parkar is a professional internet marketer. His field of specialization is social media optimization (SMO). In this article, he provides some handy ideas for making your business information go viral in the online space.

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