Things you must know about HTML5 Framework

In today’s world technology has advanced to a stage where, a large number of options are available for each and every development. New advancements are popping up every few months and it is becoming hard to keep track off.

Back in the days if you were creating a mobile application for iOS you used Objective C and if a mobile application had to be created for the Android market it was developed on Java.

This blog is perfect for those who wish to understand the HTML5 Mobile Application Framework.

The Mobile Development spectrum has been divided into 3 major categories, Hybrid, Native and Web. Native Applications are coded in the native language of the device. This means these apps have complete access to the API’s of the device. Web apps on the other hand can only be accessed through the mobile browser. Hybrid application lie between Web and Native, this means it can function as both these applications.

So what exactly is HTML5 Mobile Application Framework?

HTML5 Mobile Application Framework, allows developers to make native mobile applications using a number of advanced technologies like JavaScript, CSS and HTML.

HTML5 Mobile Application Framework allows developers to include a number of elements in the user interface. Features such as pop-up pickers, animations while switching to different screens, scrolling selectors and smooth scrolling lists with acceleration and retardation were impossible to develop before HTML5 was introduced.

Opti Matrix Solutions is a development company which has ample of expertise in mobile application development. Opti Matrix Solutions use HTML5 Mobile application framework and keep themselves up-to-date with latest technological advancements. They make sure to provide the best User Interface, HTML Designing, and other elements of Mobile Application Development.

Why choose HTML5?

A number of markets have opened up for mobile applications. Apart from iOS, Android and Blackberry, Windows and Amazon are also pushing through to reach the top.

HTML5 Mobile Application Framework can be used for all mobile applications that are compatible in each market.

HTML5 allows you to make use of existing JavaScript libraries and web resources.All of it can be done just once using HTML5. It is also a lot simpler to develop mobile applications from a web development background.

Opti Matrix Solutions provides you with all the above features at a reasonable price.

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