Top five ways to grow your online presence with Google+

If you want to be successful in the world of business nowadays then you simply must use the internet to your advantage. The internet presents a monumental number of opportunities for companies to increase their brand strength, enhance their recognition, and maximise profits. You need to use as many tools as possible in order to grow your presence online and strive in the current economical climate. One tool you need to use to your advantage is Google+. Google+ presents a wealth of opportunities, and if you use the following five tips then you can certainly use the platform to your advantage.

1. Focus on increasing your followers

In the world of SEO (and life in general) everyone is told that it is about quality not quantity. And, whilst that is generally very true, when it comes to Google+ quantity is also extremely helpful. This is because the more followers you have the better chance you have of climbing up the search engine result pages and this is your main goal when implementing SEO. You will see the effects when you search on Google if you have a great following on Google+ (your website will be higher up in the rankings).

2. Integrate Google+ with other social networks

It is always a good idea to combine your social media platforms. You should post the link to your Google+ profile on your company’s Facebook account, Twitter account, and so on and so forth. This provides a great way to gain followers. It also creates backlinks to your different accounts and therefore your brand strengthens.

3. Push for a +1

This point doesn’t relate to the +1 you are seeking for a wedding you are going to next weekend! Instead, a +1 in Google terms is the equivalent of Twitter’s ‘follow’ button or Facebook’s ‘like’ button. However, many people have deemed Google’s +1 button to be the most effective. Why? Well, when you search on Google the number of +1’s appears by the Meta Description. This is essentially a measure of trust and quality. If people see that lots of people have +1’d the page then they are going to assume it is a great webpage. Therefore, increasing +1s can reap great rewards.

4. Never lose sight of your website relationship

Your main website is where all of the action happens. This is where people will buy your products and find all of the information about your company. Your Google+ profile and other social network profiles are the legs to the body so to speak. You need to always keep in mind the relationship between Google+ and your website. How can they work together to benefit your overall goal? Post your website link on your Google+ account, add a Google+ badge to your website page, and alike.

5. Use authorship

Blogging and creating SEO articles lies very much at the core of SEO and is one of the most popular methods at present. Google presents you with the chance to authorise every article you post. Therefore when people search for something related to any article you have wrote they can then actually choose to follow you as an author, meaning they will be kept up to date with all of your latest blog posts and content writing pieces. You have many options for where your authorship links to.

If used correctly then Google+ can present a wealth of opportunities when it comes to advancing your online presence. Use the five tips mentioned in this article to help get you on your way.

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Lisa jane is a freelance journalist. She used High Position in order to find different methods of using Google+ to grow your online presence.

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